When Everything Just Clicks…

 It’s crazy how much better I’m feeling. My mind feels right. My meds are right 🤣. Ive put in a lot of work on my mental health lately. I’ve spent a lot of time with family and friends. Church was wonderful today. I’ve looked in the mirror lately & actually felt confident and beautiful. Odin is feeling better. He’s getting out and doing things too. I feel like my life is finally starting to fall back into place after the whirlwind that’s taken place the last couple of months. Things have happened that nobody knows about. I’ve kept so much inside. The explosion was a big lesson. Definitely don’t want that to ever happen again. I’m really looking forward to this week. Lots of fun things planned, and it’s spirit week at school. We love dressing up with kids, even though it embarrasses Odin. I just feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m excited to see what God has for me in the future. For the first time in awhile, life is good. 


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