Adventures in Motherhood…

 The day I have been dreading, since my child was born, has finally arrived. I was going through my son’s phone, as I often do, and saw something I was not prepared for. I knew this day would come, but I was not ready for it to be today. There in his Google search history was the word “milfs”. My heart dropped to my butt. I reluctantly proceeded to go through his browser history, and found he had frequented a couple inappropriate websites over the past couple of days. There needs to be a class for moms so we can learn how to handle these situations before they happen. I was terrified of saying the wrong thing. I didn’t want him to feel dirty over natural feelings. I told him I wasn’t mad, and it’s human nature to be curious, but he probably shouldn’t be looking at things like that. Then I quickly changed the parental controls on his phone. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. He definitely keeps me on my toes. 


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