Switching Focus...

 Something dawned on me as I drove home this evening. When you focus on something, that's what you become. I've spent the last few years feeling stressed and anxious. I couldn't figure out how to move past feeling that way day in and day out. But I just realized I was feeling that way because that's all I was thinking about. Who would want to be with someone who acted like that? Not me. It's no wonder I got dumped. I've been so negative lately. I don't know how he stuck around as long as he did. I can't believe I have spent so much money on therapy, and I figured this one out myself.

My focus now is to be happy and healthy. That's what I am going to become. Happy and Healthy.

I've been sticking to my diet, not eating things I am allergic to, not eating past 7pm, getting enough sleep, staying positive, not drinking, and not bothering me ex. I want to message him so bad and tell him all of this, but I know he'll think I'm just trying to get him back. I know I have to show that I've changed and that takes more than a few days. He agreed to meet up with me in a month so I can get my things back from his house. I just hope he can see a change in me then. Whether we get back together or not, he was my best friend and I miss talking to him. I want him to be proud of me. 

We'll see, 



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