Beach Hair How To...

I love the way ocean water makes my hair look. There's nothing better than beach hair. I wanted to share a quick recipe with you all, so you can bring beach hair to the country. Here's what you'll need...

An empty spray bottle...

bottled water...

A leave-in conditioner...

And sea salt.

All of the items listed above are available at Wal-Mart.

Start by putting a few tablespoons of sea salt into the spray bottle. If your hair is dry, use less salt. It will cause your hair to dry out & be brittle. If you hair is oily, use more. Next, pour in the bottled water. Use bottled water. Tap water can have yucky stuff in it. Then, squeeze in a little leave-in conditioner. This will help keep from drying out your hair. I used Garnier Fructis Color Shield Instant Color Sealer. I do dye my hair, so this helps keep the color. It also has UVA/UVB protectants. Finally, shake. This will mix everything together. Use this on damp hair, scrunch slightly, and let your hair air dry for the perfect fresh from the beach, awesome summer look. A product like this will set you back about $25 at Sephora, doing it at home costs less than $10.


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