My Wellness Journey…

I don’t take care of myself. Not mentally. Not physically. Not emotionally. I have neglected myself and become someone I don’t want to be anymore. I have decided to take steps to become a healthier and happier person. I want to hold myself accountable, so I am going to blog my journey.

First thing I am pledging is sobriety. I don’t get drunk often but when I do, I am a nightmare. Apparently, I am mean and say a lot of hurtful things to those I love. And the worst part is, I don’t even remember any of it. I remember the arguments, but I don’t remember the awful things I say. That is a problem. It is ruining my currently relationship. So, I’m done. He is worth more than a few drinks and a hangover the next day. I don’t know where life is going to lead us but no matter what, I don’t want to be the reason a relationship doesn’t work with anyone. And right now, I am the problem.  

Second thing I want to focus on is my fitness. I have become lazy. My self-esteem is terrible. And I am far more anxious than I ever should be. Could I benefit from weight loss? Yes. But that’s not my focus. My focus is my health. I want to feel better. Mentally and physically.

Thirdly, my diet. I have food allergies that keep me from eating the terrible foods that taste so good. Lately, I have been eating whatever I want. I know it’s bad for me. I know it makes me sick. But I do it anyway. That must stop. It is not healthy for my mind or body. Again, I want to feel better.

Lastly, I am going to attack all the things I’ve either put off or neglected recently. I know I’ll feel better once I get them done. They need to be done.

I hope to post to the blog weekly, or when I have something exciting to update. I know no one will probably ever read this, but I need a place to hold myself accountable. I need to be a better mama, nurse, daughter, sister, aunt, girlfriend, friend, and coworker. 


Here’s to the future,



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