Life Update...

     A lot has happened since my last post. So I thought I would do an update post. Life has been great since my pathetic melt down. (Which looking back, is highly embarrassing). Once you get out of a toxic situation and get your head straightened out, you can really see the giant red flags you missed when trying to convince yourself you are happy. I was so afraid of being alone for the longest time. Now dating is the last thing on my mind. 

    I have spent the last three months really working on myself. I am happier and healthier than I've been in my adult life. I still have a ways to go, but I finally feel like I am on the right track. I have officially been accepted to RN school. I will start classes in the Spring of 2024. I am really looking forward to furthering my education, and increasing my income. I also made the decision to start weekly injections to help with my EoE. I've done two shots so far. They hurt. I don't like sticking myself, but I am hoping they will help. I've been sick the past few weeks, so I can't tell if there is any improvement yet. 

   It's been nice to really use this time to focus Odin, instead of worrying about someone's dusty ass son. (Not meaning the ex, just men in general.) He's playing his first year of football. He's loving it. He's made new friends on the team, and has finally gotten away from the kids who were so awful to him last year. He has yet to come into my office at school crying. In fact, I hardly see him at school. His grades are so much better this year. He's really grown up in the past few months. I am so proud of the young man he's turning into. 

 I finally feel like our lives are moving in the right direction. 


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